Silence a powerful friend !

Silence a powerful friend
Self Development

Silence a powerful friend !

There are opportunities where people want to just talk in front of us and expect us to JUST let them be themselves. Be it a broken heart, be it somebody who has been always strong but just for few mins wants to feel weak and JUST wants vent out and need nothing from you. The person wants to just sit by you and break down with the story of struggle and compassion, the story where they were alone, the story which has made them what they are, the story which is all that they have to feel proud about in their life! A true story with their emotions!

Have you ever witnessed a story where you said nothing apart from JUST being there? Well i witnessed it when i was fully present for my coaches without saying a single word, I started the coaching session by asking her how is she doing and for few minutes there was just silence. She was going through so much in her life that she took few minutes to start the conversation and then she started sharing her story, I could feel her pain, struggle, helplessness, love, care, ambition and what not . I was quite and just present for her without interrupting as I wanted her to talk while I was there to give her the space by just listening. I was trying to see what can I do and after some time i asked her “Can I do something for you?” and I could hear nothing for few seconds….

and the next I heard was her breaking..

She broke so much that I was just silent and said nothing for few more mins and let her feel herself, she gathered herself in few mins. After that she said “thank you” and I was thinking what has made her thank me? She said I know how I can go about my life, I know things would be good at the end, I know everything would be ok at the end but I just needed myself right now and you have given me the space to just talk without saying anything, without judging me, without giving any opinion or suggestion and I am really thankful for this moment as I really needed this.

After this conversation I felt how much we underestimate Silence. We feel uncomfortable in its presence, we try to fill it unnecessarily. Silence is that friend which just needs to be embraced to get yourself back. A friend which helps you collect yourself , lighten you from the baggage of emotions, help you feel refreshed and helps you move forward .

You are THE strongest person in your life and when things go wrong only YOU can fight it out for yourself .Your emotions are so important and silence is the best friend to take care of it without any judgements and suggestions.

How do you use silence in your life? Do you get few moments when you do nothing? Do you just sit with yourself for few moments to be with yourself? We spend our whole life being with some or the other and completely ignore the value of our own presence in our lives. What an irony, we have to run from ourselves ! However there is always hope which brings opportunities or people in our lives to let ourselves be us ! Choice is whether we open with them for sake of ourselves or we continue to run till the time we break.

In my observation people who do not like silence are the ones who run from themselves. They have some deep insecurities that they deal with and they have no courage to face them . At that moment, if they get somebody to share their story and they put the effort to spend some time with themselves, they can change their lives.

Be yourself and take few silent moments every day for yourself, you would get answers to everything that you are looking for !

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  1. Sampann Sharma


  2. Rajiv Jain

    Hi, Pls. subscribe me to your Blog.

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