How about meditating in a discotheque?
November 7, 2016 2025-02-28 4:57How about meditating in a discotheque?
Imagine yourself trying to meditate sitting in discotheque. Unless you are an expert in meditation you would find it funny to even imagine this. How about flying under water? How about swimming in the air? How about trying to plant lotus in bushes?
Clearly the conditions for all these examples is the common reason for its non-existence. The environment for all these examples makes it viable/non-viable for their existence and growth. While these are some extreme examples, they tell us how much our ecosystem contributes to our existence and growth.
So, If you have defined your purpose and goals however you are feeling stuck, overwhelmed, stressed or imbalanced it could mean something needs to change in your ecosystem. Let’s understand this further. When it comes to ecosystem it is comprised of two fundamental factors that play a major role, these are Physical environment and People:
- The Physical Environment consist of things around you that supports or discourage your ability to focus on your goals and purpose it could be furniture, settings, temperature, aesthetics etc. For example: If it is the time of the biggest festival time in your community and you can see festivity around, your motivation starts getting influenced towards celebration Or if you are working at a place where there is no proper set up and you are supposed to sit among the heavy noisy crowd or lets say middle of a market to complete your work on your laptop, your motivation for your work starts changing.
That’s probably the reason you have different settings for different purpose. Office,Home,Restaurants,Training rooms, Schools all of them provides a different energy to create an environment which enables you to meet the desired objective.
- People: Now we all know humans are energy transmitters. We exchange energy, we transfer energy and we absorb energy. I am sure you have heard the quote which says your network determines your net worth. Well Network is not only the people you interact professionally, its also includes all the people you interact on the daily basis.
If you are interacting with people who do not have clear goals, you might face confusions about your own goals. If you are interacting with people who spend their time gossiping about the boss and the company, you would tend to start believing in those gossips. If you are interacting with highly motivated and successful people, you would automatically start thinking about who you want to be and how. That’s the influence people have on us without us realising it.
Now I am sure you would say, “well we do not decide the kind of people we will get in office or home”. I agree and disagree on this. If other’s can have impact on you then you also have that transmitter in you correct? So what stops you to be the energy centre? What stops you to decide your own energy and then attract people with similar energy?
Have you heard saying “Your vibe attracts your tribe” . Be the energy you want to attract !
In order to be someone you really want, start paying attention to your ecosystem.These two questions can help you get started
- Is your Physical environment helping you move forward in your purpose?
- Are the people around you supporting you move forward to achieve your goals?
If not, then either you change your goals or you change your ecosystem. Choice is yours !
Comments (2)
Purvi Shah
Such a great idea! Very well written.
Jaya Bhateja
Thanks Purvi !
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