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Delights of Distance

The moment I use the word distance, I get expressions of dislike, judgement, unacceptance. Maybe that’s the relationship we have formed with this word. For us we distant someone we do not want to …


Contentment Vs Complacency

Can you say Aloud “I AM SUCCESSFUL?”   Can you tell me what successful people do so that I can learn from it? You are a Coach and you talk to a lot of …


Are you trading your confidence with other’s insecurity ?

Abhilash was once having lunch with his colleagues who have been working with him from a good amount of time. When the lunch finished, being the most senior person on the table Abhilash thought …


Creating Trust!

Do you know every business problem is a relationship problem and every relationship problem is somewhere a trust problem? Don’t create trust be trustworthy ! Few days back while talking to coaches over the …

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